Friday, July 29, 2011

A day in which we explore tae kwon do...

So today, we had midterms. Our morning was spent calming irrational fears and trying to get everyone to just try their best and let the rest go. It was stressful. Luckily the reading midterm was not to 1:00PM, so I got to sleep in!! YAY!! So I tried to sleep in, but I only made it to 9AM. Then I was wide awake!! How irritating!! So I took a 30 minute shower... walked around the dorm room for awhile... brushed my teeth for an epic-ly long time... then I decided at 10AM to just go and hang out in the teachers lounge for awhile. :)

We all had a grading party and got our midterm grades ready. It was not fun. All our English babies are trying so hard and I hate to have to mark things off; but I know it would not be fair to pass kids to the states who are not ready. :( It's a sad day.

Doing grades, the other side of the room. :) 
After all our grades, Georgette, Mary, Bobbie & Briana decided to join me in the Tae Kwon Do gym to watch our kids in their gym class. It was the white belt class, so all the beginners. It was so fun.

The floor was awesome and bouncy so I basically just jumped around. :) Justin was very kind to let us all watch. It was very interesting to watch our kids in their cute little outfits as they learn their routines. We laughed the whole time, even though we had NO IDEA what Justin was saying. Here are some pictures and videos from our adventure in Tae Kwon Do. 
Our cute little babies... aren't they sweet? The floor looks like wood laminate, but it's squishy and rubbery.

This is Blackbelt Kevin who is saving Sarah from the GIANT JUMPING BUG that came out of the carpet.
Thank you Blackbelt Kevin for saving the Damsel in Distress, Little Princess Sarah... 

Here is a video of Justin and the kids! 
Justin and I... obviously, I'm his favorite white belt. :) 

Blackbelt Kevin showing off the bouncing floor... it was wicked awesome.

So that's what's new in Eumseong. We are loving life, trying tae kwon do, grading til our fingers bleed, and mostly just having a party. 
Tomorrow we're going on a PICNIC!! We're taking all our babies to a park nearby to have a free day. Look for pictures of the boys throwing me in the pond (it's been promised, since they discovered I didn't bring my bathing suit to Korea), us wearing "hot pants" (otherwise known as shorts), and all our babies having summertime adventures. 
Shoot me a note, I'd love to hear from you!!

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